Contemporary & Stunnning 'ALL IN ONE' DJ, Disco and Decor To Make Your Wedding Celebration Unforgettable

Risk Assessment Overview


Posh Wedding Discos® works with due diligence, care and attention to detail, which is always of paramount importance to provide the safe & effective delivery of a first-class professional service.


Every event is unique & special, designed & planned using the Posh Wedding Discos planning and procedures, with the specifics of the client at the forefront of the process. Designs & plans for the event must take into consideration the requirements & parameters of the venue. All parties will be informed of the specific event overview & risks highlighted.


All equipment planned for an event set-up is checked prior to each event, again on set-up at the event & at event close. Constant monitoring & surveillance is of supreme importance during the event & checks are also carried out at the end of the event during close. We are proud of the high standards we expect & adhere to a strict code of ethics and practice, dedicated to providing excellence in our performance. Our aim is to create an event with style, sophistication & perfection for each client, to make their dream event unforgettable.


We hold full public and employer’s liability insurance, a requirement from all venues, for both the clients’ and our protection. Our annual DJ PLI Insurance is currently with Mobile DJ Network underwritten by Covea Insurance Plc. You can find the certificate on the footer of the Posh Wedding Disco® website homepage by visiting 


Again, a requirement from most venues is that all portable electrical equipment is tested for safety on an annual basis. All our equipment carries up to date certification. Annual PAT testing is carried out. A copy of the certificate can be requested or found at


Event Plan & Risk Assessment Process & Documents for Posh Wedding Discos®


We conduct regular monitoring & annual reviews of all terms & conditions, policies, procedures, risk assessments, continued professional development, training, & equipment. We ensure the above using these planning & risk assessment documents listed below which are also located on our website

Standard DJ Setup & Operation Risk Assessment (annual review & signature by DJs)

To be read & signed by DJs before commencing work with Posh Wedding Discos®. To be reviewed, updated where necessary and re-read and signed annually. These documents are available upon request. This includes standard:

i)              Transportation risk assessment

ii)             Equipment installation risk assessment

iii)            During the event when equipment in use risk assessment

iv)            De-Rig risk assessment

1.    Client, Event & Venue Details to be completed by DJs with client PWD BOOKING CONFIRMATION FORM(PWD FORM 1)

Booking confirmation form; Contact details of the client & venue, Event Date & Time, Package & Payment of £99 Deposit (Non-refundable after 14 days). Preliminary Payment details & notes.


2.    “Welcome Pack” Posh Wedding Discos® guide given/sent to clients on booking

Includes PWD: FAQs, Packages & Added Extras, Flexible Payment Plan options, Terms & Conditions of Service, Client Online Event-Management Portal, Forms 2-7


3.    Organisation of the Event: PWD ON THE DAY REQUESTS & REQUIREMENTS FORMS completed by the client(PWD FORMS 2 & 3)


4.    PWD EVENT PLAN CHECKLIST completed by Posh Wedding Discos® DJ in conjunction with the client(PWD FORM 4)


5.    Event Health & Safety Check List PWD ON THE DAY DJ RISK ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST to be updated with specifics of the event & completed by DJ on the day – pre/during/close(PWD FORM 5)


6.    PWD Contract(PWD FORM 6)


7.    PWD EVENT PLAN & RISK ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW completed by Posh Wedding Discos®(PWD FORM 7)

8.    PWD Evaluation to inform future practice (completed by PWD post-event)


9.    PWD Checklist of monitoring & reviews (annually)

i)              Annual PAT Test Certification & Register                   viii)        Social-Media                       

ii)             Annual PLI Insurance with Mobile DJ Network           ix)          CPD & Training

iii)            Booking Confirmation Form & Contract                      x)           Equipment

iv)            Welcome Pack & Terms & Conditions of Service

v)             Risk Assessments, Policies & Procedures

vi)            Client Online Event-Management Portal

vii)           Website, updates, apps, POS,